Dra. Laura Sanguinetti – Dra. María Florencia Rolleri - Dr. Matías Anghileri
12 monthly modules
RECORDED CLASSES + LIVE ONLINE CLASSES (with virtual guidance/ advice/assistance/ consultancy )
Which company is the best according to my practice and my patients?
- How to choose what to work with: Spark, Invisalign, national companies and In-Office aligners.
- Advantages and disadvantages of the different types of treatments, materials used and costs.
How to organize work with Invisible Orthodontics? Clinic organization
Most favorable cases to treat with aligners. Ideal patients to start.
Record taking: Photographs, impressions and intraoral scanner
-Marketing in the consultation.
- Explanation and tools to communicate to patients the advantages of treatment with aligners.
- How to give budgets
Biomechanics with aligners, how do they work and how are they different from treatments with Brackets?
Attachments and features:
- Selection, Placement, Problems, Tricks.
- What movements can or cannot be done without them?
Differential Anchorage with aligners.
15 steps to follow for correct software management:
- Protocol the efficiency of the results by following this step by step for each of your patients.
Transverse Pathologies:
Transverse Narrowness
How to develop the upper arch.
Accessories to control expansion.
Evaluate torque and reciprocating movements.
The importance of second molars.
What are the limits?
1.1 Master the expansion.
Protocols to expand as a PRO.
Sagittal Pathologies: Class 2 Class 3
Anchor Management.
Use of buttons and elastics.
Which ones, how and when?
Sequential distalization and mesializations.
When should we start using microimplants to achieve this?
Resolution of cases in children and adults.
Vertical Pathologies:
Open Bites and Overbites
Differential diagnosis.
Understanding and protocols to intrude and/or extrude anterior and posterior sectors with and without microimplants.
Attachments and sequence of movements.
Anterior bite lifts vs. posterior bite lifts.
Refinement, passive aligners and overcorrection
Myofunctional Therapy:
Muscle exercises applied to aligner treatments to help correct pathologies more effectively, minimizing recurrences.
Hybrid treatments (Aligners combined with fixed and removable appliances).
Understanding their use according to the limitations of each patient.
Clinical cases:
From the simple to the complex, understanding the step by step to correct from a Class 1 malocclusion to complex crowding, gummy smiles, surgical compensations and midline deviations among others with protocols applicable to each one of them.