Cranio-Mandibular Orthodontics:

A different way of understanding and doing orthodontics

Dra. Marcela Becerra and Dra. María del Valle Romanazzi
Collaborator: Dr. Matías Anghileri




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In this course you will obtain the tools to be able to solve complex clinical cases that enter your office in a simple and effective way. Sagittal and vertical problems in growing patients and adults can be corrected starting from an effective diagnosis and understanding the causes that originated them.
Welcome to a new way of understanding and doing orthodontics!



Introduction to Cranio-mandibular Orthodontics:

What is it, what is it for and how is it different from the orthodontics we know?

We will know the concepts of occlusion and function focusing on the philosophy of Dr. Rudolf Slavicek and Dr. Sadao Sato (Occlusion Medicine)


Dynamic diagnosis of malocclusions:

What is missing from our daily diagnosis? Why do we sometimes "escape" problems that appear in the middle of treatment?

Ampliaremos nuestro diagnostico estático, siempre comenzando desde una correcta y completa anamnesis sumándole: el Estudio de la función y disfunción desde parámetros dinámicos como son el Bruschecker, los Oclusogramas, evaluación muscular del paciente a través de la palpación, el Montaje en articulador, la Evaluación de los Movimientos Mandibulares, RNM, etc.

All this analysis complemented with the static diagnosis that we already use regularly (photographic records, analysis of models, x-rays, tomographies.)


Treatment of malocclusions:

There are questions that all orthodontists ask ourselves:

What is the best way to correct a class 2 and a class 3 in adults and growing patients?

Have you ever carried out the same mechanics in different patients and in some it did not work for you and you do not know the reason?

Have you ever wondered why elastics sometimes only worsen the result?

And when there are deviations from the midline? What do you do?

Can't you understand why some open bite cases respond to mechanics and others don't?

Generally, orthodontic treatment has been limited to dental alignment or symptomatic correction of malocclusion, and has lost sight of the purpose of solving the origin of the problem. The idea will be to address the different pathologies from a joint and muscle diagnosis starting from a starting reference position and reconsidering the mechanical approach of each one of them to reach a therapeutic position (treatment objective).

It will focus on the correct orientation of the occlusal plane and the curve of Spee to stabilize the treatment and maintain the results over time.



One of the great myths of the open bite is that it is one of the pathologies that recurs the most. Could it be that the diagnosis and the treatment plan are being failed?

After a differential diagnosis to analyze the origin of the pathology, we will evaluate the different tools (Articular, Vertical and Dentoalveolar compensation) to develop the best treatment plan for each patient. Posterior crowding, changes in the occlusal plane, squeezing out and other.


Maloclusión de Clase III - Etiología y enfoque de tratamiento :

The biggest fear of orthodontists is that a class 3 will present itself in the consultation. How to diagnose and correct it properly?

Class III malocclusion is the most common to be treated with orthognathic surgery, but there are many patients who prefer non-surgical treatment. The Class III malocclusion process is characterized by changes in the occlusal plane and vertical dimension during growth and development.

Therefore, the treatment of this malocclusion should be based on the control of the occlusal plane to induce the adaptive response of the mandible. High and low angle Class III malocclusions will be discussed in this seminar.


Class II Malocclusion - Etiology and Treatment Approach:

The big question beyond age is how to successfully treat a class 2, whose origin is mandibular retraction, the therapeutic focus on mandibular repositioning.

For it, it is important to use the natural development principles found in the occlusal development process. There are two types of Class II malocclusion, high angle and low angle. Understanding that the mandible does not move downwards and forwards, but moves backwards and rotates forwards, we will analyze the differences of each of them from diagnosis to treatment.


Mandibular Lateral Deviations:

Dental, skeletal, functional or articular?

In 80% of MLD malocclusions, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on the deviated side of the mandible is dysfunctional. Therefore, the goal of treatment for MLD malocclusion is to correct the occlusal vertical height difference, repositioning the mandible three-dimensionally and eliminating the overload of the deviated side.


Orthodontic treatment of malocclusions with Temporomandibular Disorders:

Have you ever heard a joint noise in the middle of a treatment that didn't exist and got paralyzed?

Joint dysfunction is usually associated with different malocclusions such as open bite, Class II and lateral deviations. In treating these malocclusions, the most important goal is to remove the load on the TMJ.

From this point of view, it is very important to diagnose the mandibular position, seek the therapeutic position of the mandible and make a treatment plan to achieve a position without any pathology.


Overlays in growing patients:

Can a class 2 or 3 be corrected or improved in a growing patient simply by placing Overlays?

The answer is yes. Learn how, in a simple way and without the need for the collaboration of the patient, growth can be redirected so that a treatment that in other times was classified as surgical from an early age is resolved from the diagnosis of Cranio-Mandibular Orthodontics with the use of temporary overlays.


Microimplant MasterClass(Dr. Serena Lee)

How to apply all this knowledge in our treatments?

Regardless of what type of appliance we use (conventional straight wire, self-ligating or aligners) an auxiliary that we have to learn to master and apply in our clinical cases are microimplants.

Join Dr. Serena Lee for an incredible demonstration of how, with the right concepts, microimplants can be used to correct any pathology that seemed impossible to treat.

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