Dr. Matías Anghileri and guest professors
Digital orthodontics
In-office aligners:
How to start and what are the limits?
Rational reinforcement and different options in the cementation of brackets
Aligner Companies:
which one to choose, management of the Approver/Clin Check, and differences with the traditional biomechanics of Brackets.
Orthodontic splints:
how and when to make them and what is their role in sagittal and vertical problems?
Analysis of class 2 and class 3 from a different perspective:
To understand once and for all why some look good and others don't!
Vertical problems:
Overbites and Open Bites.
Posterior Intrusion or Anterior Extrusion?
Diagnosis and latest tools to solve them, with and without microimplants.
Lateral Agenesis:
How to diagnose and understand the mechanics and the step by step of the two options:
Open space for implants or canine typing.
First phase treatments:
Early no, on time yes.
Retained teeth:
how to make things go well (and what to do when they go wrong…)
Details and Completion:
How to achieve the results that are seen in the publications?
New materials on the market and how to incorporate them into daily practice.
And as always:
New clinical tips (those that worked and those that didn't), errors, clinical cases,
and all of this with humor and style.